“Zobeide is an ugly city because it…

“Zobeide is an ugly city because it is a city without architecture: in fact, architecture happens when we are able to build, perpetuate and share our desires. The fundamental aim of any form of art is to free us from the destructive, changeable and individualistic features of desire by turning that instinctive feeling into a self-governed will, also known as love.”
Zobeide – desire and discipline – is our contribution to “Mirabilia”, exhibition powered by @antilia.gallery, curated by @giuseppe.resta @fabiana_dicuonzo and @jgatip. Currently in Matera at CasaCava. #zobeide #invisiblecities #italocalvino #antiliagallery #mirabilia #gosplanarchitects #gosplan #model #desire #discipline #constructivism #proun #ellisitsky #ellissitzky #embrodery #reachtothemoon #moon

“Zobeide is an ugly city because it…

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