Last Saturday we took part to a…

Last Saturday we took part to a very engaging talk about competitions organized by Forestieri Pace Pezzani at the Unfolding pavilion. It was a great pleasure to meet so many talented and likeable colleagues, sharing the idea that our common interests have to be stronger than our competitiveness! #gosplanarchitects #unfoldingpavilion #labiennaledivenezia #biennalearchitettura2018 #biennalevenezia #competition #battlefield #forestieripacepezzani #gosplan #riccardovilla #quinziiterna #carlanamezzalirapentimalli #falsemirroroffice #divisare #babaubureau #gizmo #demogo #studiospazio #weberwinterle #arcipelago #lotus #angelorenna

Last Saturday we took part to a…

Instagram filter used: Valencia

Photo taken at: Unfolding Pavilion

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